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更新时间:2025-03-24 19:02:39

pass away

英 [pɑ:s əˈwei]

美 [pæs əˈwe]

  • 英英释义

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1. go out of existence

e.g. She hoped that the problem would eventually pass away

2. pass from physical life and lose all bodily attributes and functions necessary to sustain life

e.g. She died from cancer
The children perished in the fire
The patient went peacefully
The old guy kicked the bucket at the age of 102

Synonym: diedeceaseperishgoexitexpirepasskick the bucketcash in one's chipsbuy the farmconkgive-up the ghostdrop deadpop offchokecroaksnuff it

1. 去世;逝世;谢世
You can say that someone passed away to mean that they died, if you want to avoid using the word 'die' because you think it might upset or offend people.

e.g. He unfortunately passed away last year.

1. 去世:几年前母亲就去世(pass away)了,每当看到别人一家团聚时,对她的怀念就越来越深. 母亲辛辛苦苦养育了我们三姊妹,还没有...

2. pass away的意思

2. 消失;去世;终止:in particular 特别,尤其;详细地 . | pass away 消失;去世;终止 . | pass by 走过;(时间)逝去 .

3. 去世;消失;度过:keep away from... 使避开;使远离 | pass away 去世;消失;度过 | put away 把...收起来;存好;放置暂时不用

  • 高考真题例句

高考真题例句 OG 1.pass away

Freddy passed away on Thanksgiving.

Freddy 在感恩节去世了。


  • 近义词

  • 临近词

All this trouble will pass away.(这一切困难都将结束。)
Everything is sure to pass away.(每件事都一定会过去。)
They bandage us when we are wounded, and comfort us when those we love pass away.(当我们受伤时,他们给我们包扎,并且在我们丧失亲人时,他们安慰我们。)
Excuse me. When did Miss Flower pass away?(对不起,请问弗劳尔小姐什么时候去世的?)
How can you have so many people you know pass away in three weeks?(怎么会有你认识的那么多人在三个星期之中去世?)
Do you think he'll pass away?(你认为他会死吗?)
Soon his delusion will pass away and be forgotten, and his poor mind will be whole again.(不久,他的妄想就会消失,被遗忘,他可怜的心灵就会恢复健康。)
Spring comes after the cold winter. Winter will pass away to welcome the sunshine in spring.(春天到来之前是严冬,但严冬一定会过去,迎来阳光明媚的春天。)
Listen to sweet music, and your foolish fears and petty jealousies will pass away.(倾听悦耳的音乐,你那愚蠢的恐惧与狭隘的嫉妒都会过去。)
The house came to him when his parents pass away.(父母过世后,房子就归他了。)
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